Wardrobe Picks: Festival

June 7, 2011 § Leave a comment

We are super excited about June and all it’s festival glory! We would like to give you a helping hand on packing a fashion first aid kit! Here are a few of our chosen quick fix band-aids…

Red High-tops by Hunter, £70.00, http://www.hunter-boot.com/1/Welcome-To-The-Home-Of-Hunter-Wellies.aspx

Rod Stewart Retro Rock Tee, by Junkfood, £25.00 buy at: www.pop-store.com

Feather Headdress £120.00, by Bitching & Junkfood

Sunglasses, £6.99 by Missguided.co.uk

Studded Shorts, £70.00 by Bitching & Junkfood

We think the above items will be just wonderful companions to June 2011 Festivals… check out our Festival Time Table, coming soon…

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